Saturday, December 31, 2011

This is not a New Year's resolution.

Greetings and a Happy New Year to you!  Many of you thought that this day would never come.  And frankly, neither did I.  But here it is.....ALAINA IS BLOGGING!  There are many reasons for this blog, but I would specifically like to emphasize that this is NOT a New Year's resolution (the timing just worked out that way).

I have been peer pressured....erhm... "encouraged"... by several people to do this.  I have been told that too many hilarious incidents happen in my day-to-day life that it is a crime not to write them down and share them with the world.  Chelsea once said (and I may be paraphrasing here) " Dude, if you had a blog about all this stuff I would totally read it every day."  Well, my friend, not every day, but weekly-ish will have to suffice.  Also, this is a great way for me to share my new west coast adventures with people I love who are far away from me.  Maybe it will help me feel more connected to y'all.  I type a lot of emails weekly and have several phone conversations where I tell the same story at least five times every week.  So this is a potential form of efficiency.  But probably not because most of the people I talk to on the phone won't be reading this.... oh well.  And perhaps fun pictures of my adventures will potentially entice you to come visit...? Finally, this is a great way for me to share a ton of random things that I really really love (like Jesus, laughs, fitness related things, recipes, critters, fun new places, surfing, horses, etc.).

I feel like this blog should come with a disclaimer statement.  For those of you frequent blog readers, get ready to lower your standards significantly. Ha.  This blog exists simply to give you some entertainment at my expense.  It will most likely not include the following "bloggy" type things (because let's face it, I'm not a "bloggy" type person):

  • Those obnoxious. Short. Two to three word. Sentences.  For real.  Seriously.
  • Correct grammar and punctuation (I ain't got much schoolin' in that area).
  • Quality photographs (I'm none too skilled behind the lens like many of my friends are)
  • One or two main topics (I have a feeling this blog is going to be a scatter brained as I am....oh boy)
  • Regular posting (because I have literally quadroupled my work load for this quarter and I'm not sure how much time I will have.  I have also just discovered Pinterest, so obviously that alone eats up all of my free time.  I'm pretty sure I have a bad addiction.)
But hopefully this will let you get a taste of life out here in Cali and will give me a chance to share whats going on in my life.  Ready? Set?  Go.


  1. I am pretty sure that with a M.S. you will have better grammar than 90% of the blogs out there.
    I will have higher expectations for you miss Shady Oaks...
    (Seriously, it is not that hard, most blogs are abysmal.)

  2. Well I for one will read it, regardless of grammar! ;-) Thanks. I have been thinking of blogging too...but I have all of the same reservations and essentially none of the unique adventures. Oh wait...that may not be true.


  3. Super pumped about your blog, Snos! Wahooo! Does this mean I don't get to post the coconut shrimp recipe anymore?? :) Miss & love you! Glad Syd is okay. Happy 2012.
