Thursday, April 19, 2012

Catch up...big time.

So, life has been crazy lately (I know, I know.  I think I say that phrase to folks every single week of my life, but each time I say it, I legitimately mean it!), and my blogging has taken a significant backseat.  My bad.  But let's face it, we all know that I'm no whiz at this whole internet machine thing anyway, so is this really a surprise to anyone?

Ok, operation catch you up on my life:  ready, GO!

Recall that I am lazy and am stealing blog posts from Hales/Lauren.  Well, she posted about the second half of her visit here on her blog, so check it out here (please note that she came to see me in early March.....this is how behind I am...).  It includes a recap of our time in SLO.  The short version:  we made good meals, watched Jeopardy and Friends, went hiking, went horseback riding, and checked out down town.  The fact that she is also way behind in blog posts makes me feel like much less of a blog failure :)

That next week involved a lot of catch up with work and a few spectacular social hours with my friends in SLO.  There is a phenomenal little hole-in-the-wall bar called "Spike's Pub" down town.  The perks:  it is filled with "old people" like myself (i.e. not college kids), has 40 beers from around the world on tap, and kind of has an old-west themed feel to it.  Translation: it's my favorite.

At the end of March, I had a most wonderful, spectacular, exciting visitor!  My mom came to see me!  For those who don't have the best relationships with your mothers, my heart really goes out to you, because I couldn't imagine life without my mom.  This woman is amazing y'all!  I love her a ridiculous amount.  I'm so blessed to have someone that is such a great mix of "motherly instinct" and "best friend" all in one :)  I hadn't seen her in seven months, so I was super excited and had all this awesome fun stuff planned for her visit.  However, being the graceful individual that I am, I sort of had to put all of that on pause by breaking my ankle.  And the things that I had planned unfortunately involved a lot of walking, hiking, and beach time.

But who better to sympathize with your situation better than your momma??  So at least she understood, and instead we ended up doing a lot of shopping and home-decorating type stuff (she even painted my walls for me!  I tell ya folks, she's a keeper!) and we threw caution to the wind and went on a few adventures anyway.

Picked her up in San Francisco, so we stopped in Cannery Row for lunch and then drove down Hwy 1 along the coast, through the pretty areas like Big Sur (this time I took Dramamine so that the windy road didn't make me carsick):

On the way home we stopped in Cayucos to look at the harbor seals (it actually took quite a bit of discussion to convince mom that they were not rocks).

We spent a few days in SLO hanging out at Avila beach and doing some general Susy-home-maker things.  A trip to Morro Bay was also in order.  Mom tried to get attacked by one of the huge wild turkeys that lives in my backyard and we spent some time with a friendly old sea lion who was begging for fish at one of the restaurants in Morro Bay.  We may or may not have watched a lot of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and drank wine during this entire process.....

At the end of the trip we decided to spend some time in San Francisco.  Due to the bum leg and the fact that it is about the hilliest city in America, we concentrated our efforts on the Fisherman's Warf area to help my poor triceps out a little bit from all the crutching.

I seriously love this area of San Fran for these reasons:

It was really a sad day to put her back on that airplane.  But I was so glad to get to spend the time together that we did!!

Right as mom left, the spring quarter started with a whole new set of classes.  Foaling season is still in full swing (we've had 11 mares foal out, 5 more to go), but I've got a great group of students, so I haven't been getting up and going to the barn in the middle of the night much lately!

I started going to a new small group/bible study (look for more on this later) and I'm SO excited about it!  These women are awesome :)

Took the Cal Poly Equestrian Team to the IHSA Zone championships, where Caitlin got third in her class and did a phenomenal job.

My good friend Katie Bauer got engaged, which is super exciting!  She has been serving in the Army overseas for the past 3 years and is coming home this month to be stationed in Colorado, and she is so happy.  I'm so excited for her!

And my old roomie/bestie from MSU, Katie Davis, is pregnant!!!  Which is also super exciting :)  So much love in the world right now....I love it!

Cal Poly held it's Open House this past weekend, which was IN.SANE.   No exaggeration, I think I talked to between 500 and 700 prospective students/parents, and answered the same questions over and over and over again for two days.  Needless to say, there was a tall margarita waiting at home for me when that was all said and done.

And last, but not least, I got ducks and a puppy.  And that, my friends, is your teaser to tune in tomorrow, when I post a ridiculous quantity of adorable baby animal photos.

Whew.  There.  Now you are all caught up.  In fact, that was a little bit ridiculous to write, so I'll try really hard not to wait so long for the next post!


Food for thought:
C'mon people.  This post is already ridiculously overwhelming.  Did you seriously think I was going to add some food for thought?  Y'all have a feast of useless life information to chew on already ;)

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