Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there!  I'm not a mom (unless you count my fur-babies!), but I have a great respect and appreciation for those of you who are.  For now, here is my family photo ;)

If I ever am blessed enough to have kids, I hope I can be half as good of a mother to them as my momma is to me.  She is such an amazing woman and I don't know how she does it all.  She raised one wonderful kid (*cough*alaina*cough*) and two who turned out mediocre (haha, totally kidding!  Ben and Ryan are pretty awesome).  She takes care of our house.  She feeds us (and is a pretty amazing cook).  She works.  She volunteers and is involved with the community.  She is there whenever someone needs love and support, and she does it gladly.  She is faithful to the Lord.  She is AMAZING!

We have a running joke in our family that whoever does something nice for mom is "her favorite" for the moment.  But the amazing thing about my mom is that she doesn't have a favorite.  She loves us all equally, and she loves us all with an inexhaustible love that is very real and constant.  She is such a fantastic model of the Proverbs 31 woman who loves the Lord and her family, who is a hard worker, who helps the needy and speaks with kindness.  She constantly challenges me, inspires me, and encourages me, and I could not be more grateful to her for loving me and raising me the way that she did :)  

I could fill an endless page with all of the wonderful things about her, but instead, I'll share some of my favorite memories with her, in picture form ;)  

Thanks mom, for all the love you give me!!  I wouldn't trade you for any other person in the world.

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