Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bucket List 2014

Hey... look at this!  I've blogged twice in one week!  I'm off to a great start on item #1 on my 2014 bucket list!

Alaina's 2014 Bucket List

1. ACTUALLY BLOG AGAIN!  2013 proved to be a poor showing of my blogging abilities.  I'm ready to step my game up.

2.  Get a job.  Yeah.  That's gonna definitely need to happen soon.

3.  Camping trip to either Yellowstone National Park or Glacier National Park with Landon.

4.  Get the heck out of this apartment and into a house.  Or townhouse.  Or cardboard box on the street.  Just not an apartment.

5.  Complete a certification in personal training and start doing part time personal training at my gym.

6.  Actually, really, seriously, FINALLY make that dog-gone t-shirt quilt that I've been talking about for 2 years!

7.  Become involved in the student ministry program at Concord Church (our new church family).

8.  Take a few steps back from my iPhone.  I've become a little too addicted to having the internet machine and social media (I'm lookin' at you, Instagram....) right at my fingertips.  I really want to back off the phone and enjoy my personal time with people more intentionally this year.

9.  Learn to love St. Louis.  I really, really want to learn to love this city.  I want to love its people, the area around it, and the culture that it has to offer.  I really miss California and find myself thinking about the ocean far too often than I would like to.  I want to hike, explore, find markets and cool restaurants, and go to as many sporting events as possible to enjoy my time here.

10.  Go to as many professional sporting events as possible since there are so many of them easily accessible from St. Louis.

11.  Skydive.

12.  Be more intentional about memorizing scripture.

13.  Show a horse again!!!!

And to carry on the fun tradition from last year......

2014 Fitness Goals

1. Some sort of fitness competition.  Run a 5k, powerlifting meet, something!

2.  3 minute plank.

3.  10 pull-ups unassisted

4.  Raw 1 rep max deadlift: 225 lbs

5.  Raw 1 rep max squat:  180 lbs

6.  Raw 1 rep max bench press: 110 lbs

I'm setting fewer of these goals this year in case I get injured again....which is probably inevitable.  Ha.

But there you have it.  Probably more for my knowledge than for your reading pleasure, but I'm glad I have goals :)


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