Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Bucket List

I will fully blame this post on Caroline Merrill.  She recently posted about Caroline & Co.'s accomplished (and not-so-accomplished) 2011 Bucket List items and made a new 2012 list full of fun things (some of which included adventures out west, which greatly excites me).

I thought it was a fantastic idea!  I have several things I want to do this year, and sharing them with y'all is a great way to hold me accountable to actually do them....right?  Additionally, I am sure that several of you will find many of my items quite humorous.  So be it. And I am aware that this is an ambitious list.  Good thing I am an ambitious girl, eh? So, without further ado....

Alaina's semi-copycat 2012 Bucket List:

  1. Buy a gaited mule (hopefully I will accomplish this one at Bishop Mule Days over Memorial Day weekend if nothing else....these suckers are slim pickin's out west...who knew??)
  2. Do a powerlifting competition (specifically, open womens 123 or 132 class, deadlifting).  Scoff if you like.  Its happening.
  3. Take both the Cal Poly Dressage Team and the Cal Poly Equestrian Team to their respective IDA and IHSA National Championship meets (by the by, I am now the coach for both of these teams at Cal Poly).
  4. Go to a San Diego Chargers game.
  5. Try snowboarding for a second time.  Come home without crutches.
  6. Become fluent in Italian (I am currently on the second level of my learning program for it!)
  7. Make a T-shirt quilt out of all those dang T-shirts I have lying around.
  8. Get a working dog and learn how to train it on cattle and sheep.
  9. Go whale watching.
  10. Hike/backpack at least 2 new trails every month.
  11. Camping trips to at least 3 national parks.
  12. Become more involved with the SLO homeless community.
  13. Get my horse show judge's card with at least one national breed association (NWHA, AQHA, USDF, or USHJA).
  14. Become a leader in my new church's youth ministry program.
  15. Plant a mini-garden in my yard ( the pots in my yard..).
  16. Make at least one crafty thing for my house each month (yay Pinterest!)
2012 looks like fun to me :)

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