Monday, January 2, 2012

Video blog anyone?

Just a quick video tour of the Cal Poly Equine Center for my horsey friends who may have interest in the facilities  we have here (had to break it up into two parts to keep it short enough to post on YouTube) and a video tour of my house at Peterson Ranch.  Sorry for the random clicking that my camera makes, and sorry for it being super sunny.  OK, so I'm not sorry for that part, because its always super sunny here!  And that makes me happy.

The house needs some work, as you can see, but it is really nice to finally be out of an apartment.

Part 1 of my working life:

Part 2

1 comment:

  1. :) Great to see your cute little house and Syd is obviously a happy California dog (minus trying to die and all that jazz). I know the weather is perfect for you!
