Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Let there be blogging again!

Hi there!  Remember me??  That chick that used to pretend to be witty and write about her life on here?

I'm alive.  I promise.

Remember how I was feeling super overwhelmed and decided to go slow for a while?  Apparently that translated into giving up blogging for 3 months.  Whoopsie.  Sorry faithful blog follower(s??).  

I am now back on track.  I took a much needed self-assessment and a break from all of the extras that I was doing and got back to the roots of what makes me tick.  God has been super faithful about giving me new energy, excitement about the wedding and my job, and blessing me with some great adventures in the meantime.  

So, here's what y'all missed over the past 3 months:

I'M NO LONGER ON CRUTCHES/IN A BOOT!  Yay!!!  I am 4 months post-surgery now and feeling wonderful.  My physical therapist and my surgeon have been fantastic.  I'm riding horses, back in the gym, and am allowed to try surfing (all very carefully and slowly, of course). Words cannot express how great it feels to not be in constant pain whenever I try to do something.

Sarah and Tamara came to visit me!!!  We had so, SO much fun.  I'll do a whole post on how wonderful these ladies are, but here is a teaser pic in the meantime.

Once the ladies left, I jetted out to St. Louis, MO to see Landon.  He moved there at the end of April.  We went to our good friend Tim and Bridgett's wedding and spent a teeeeensy bit of time at our new apartment.

Then I headed off Ruidoso, NM for the bi-annual Equine Science Society meeting.  I absolutely love the desert, and Ruidoso was beautiful and didn't disappoint.  I even accidentally drove through the Indian reservation and saw tons of horses, elk, and cattle allllllll over the road.  And per annual tradition, we had a bangin' costume party (cowboys and aliens this year), complete with a bathtub full of goodies.  Which resulted in us getting kicked out of the casino.  Now that's the sign of a good time!

The school year finished up strong.  Students graduate, we had cookouts for many of our classes, and there was a super fun year end celebration where my fellow faculty members honored me with a beautiful custom belt buckle.  It was really touching and wonderful.

I went home to NC for a super brief stint (more on that later).  And then I came home and two days later Davys arrived for a sweet adventure that consisted of a road trip through the Pacific Northwest (also more on that later).  

So as you can see, I've been busy.  But wonderful.  And I'm excited to be talking to y'all again :)

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