Tuesday, June 19, 2012

7 Word Catch-Up

In all the hoop-la of so many visitors, I haven't really been able to give y'all an update on my day-to-day activities.  But in all honesty, they probably aren't that interesting anyway, and we all know I talk way too much, so beginning at the start of May, here is what I have been up to in 7 words or less :)

Cinco de Mayo.  60 oz mararitas.

Avila Beach Farmer's Market. Lobster tacos.

Ponies in my backyard.

Dog likes sticks but still won't swim.

Horse embryos at my job.

Bought Icelandic Horse.  Named him "Captain Jack."

Boot exchange.  New Tony Lamas.  In love.

Friends came to visit!  Hollywood, Yosemite, SLO.

(Ok, Ok, so I will be elaborating way more on the friend visit...and you knew I couldn't actually get through this sticking to the 7-word limit...ha.)

Took dog to beach.  Dug a hole.

Compassion Ministry partnership!  Now loving Ronald Okallo :)

Photo shoot for ponies.  Gunner looked pretty.

And there you have it....all caught up on my life!


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