Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day!

Ah, the third Sunday in June, you've come again!  Happy Father's Day to all of the pops, daddy's, padres, papa's, and dad's out there (my dad gets referred to as "daddy" if I'm talking about him and "pops" if I'm talking to him, just in case anyone was curious).  But whatever your title, Happy Father's Day to you!

I love Father's Day!  And Mother's Day.  Basically any day that honors and celebrates parents is pretty awesome in my book.  I have been blessed with such an amazing set of parents, and I could not be more thankful for them.  So, without further ado, I would like to dedicate this post to a man who has my whole heart in a way that no other man ever will be able to match:  my daddy.

My daddy is the definition of a goofball, and I love him dearly for it.  He has some unique sense of humor that only a small percentage of the population understands and is always up for an adventure (see the above photo for proof of both of these claims).

I absolutely consider myself a "daddy's girl," and I am proud to say it.  There are so many things about my pops that I love and admire, and I know that his love for me has played a huge role in shaping me into the person that I am today.  Here are just a few things about him that I love:

He is a man who seeks after Christ and loves God.

He has an amazing talent to work with youth and provide leadership and structure in a great balance of discipline and compassion (despite his cover-up as "Mr. Sensitivity").

He protects me and my family (as clearly evidenced by the below picture involving both tools and firearms.  Ha).

He loves the ocean and the outdoors and has a great respect for all the creatures that live in both.

He has awesome hair (which, thankfully, I did not inherit.  Good luck Ben and Ryan....)

(sorry for this one pops, but it is so hilarious I couldn't resist!)

He works hard and loves his family.

Some of my favorite memories with my daddy are from showing horses when I was growing up.  Both parents were super involved and active in this part of my life, but daddy got to have the special role of "bucket boy" awaiting my beckoned call as a teenager (translation:  he was a superb boot-cleaner, tail-brusher, pattern-provider, number-pinner, water-boy, and overall cheer-leader).  Even though horses totally weren't his jam, he was always there for me, and I'm so appreciative for it.

He doesn't have to say it in words for me to know that he loves me.  I can see it in the way that threatened to throw a boyfriend out on the side of the highway for saying something inappropriate; when he sends me my grandmother's old prayer book just because he thinks I'd think it's cool; when he doctored my favorite old horse 24 hours/day helping her fight for her life while I lived 700 miles away; when we take a 7 day camping road trip to move me across the country; and when he hunts for my dog with me in the pouring rain in the middle of the night because she's a beagle who found a rabbit trail....again....

So thanks, pops, for loving me, teaching me, and challenging me.  You're pretty much the best daddy a girl can have, and I love you so much!

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