Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Raccoons > Ducks.

So do you remember that famous childhood book that you all grew up reading?  The one about the little dinosaur who struggled with friendships?  C'mon, you know which one I'm talking about!  This one:

Ok, Ok, so I never read it (but I think it looks hilarious).  Two weeks ago, tragedy struck the Peterson Ranch, as the late Cheech (one of my ducks) mourned the death of Chong (I know, I know..... I am that professor :) ).  Keep reading for the details (this is my "rope-you-in-make-you-keep-reading" introduction.... my 5th grade english teacher would be proud!).

If you recall, I went to Colorado to spend some time with Landon three weeks ago.  But what was seriously awesome is that I got to see my boy again over the 4th of July!!  Two weekends in a row?!? Who does that??  He had planned to come to SLO over the 4th before CO came into the equation, and I fully got to reap the benefits :)

The last few times that we have seen each other, it has been one crazy adventure after another.  Which is awesome, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's nice to just be.  And that is exactly what we did.  For five glorious days.  We just hung out like a normal couple.  Well who I am kidding.... we'll never be "normal" (thank goodness!), but we did have a blast.  And, per usual, I did not take a single picture.... whoopsie.  Except for the following incident.....

After a rather hectic and slightly changed arrival into LA, Landon and I enjoyed a week of just relaxing.  We hung out with my friends, cooked dinners in, enjoyed some date nights, wrangled up some loose cattle in the middle of the night, went surfing (Landon did awesome!!  He's a total natural and now wants to get a board of his own.... conversion?  Check!), and enjoyed our new favorite past-time: shopping at western stores.  I scored big on the sales (Cruel Girl jeans for $25?!?!  Come to mama!) and got some pretty baller new spur straps ( country am I? Ha.).

I also have quite a few new animals that Landon hasn't met yet (Belle, ducks, Captain Jack, and Gunner).  Landon promptly renamed my dog "femur" because of the marking on his face (unfortunately, "femur" and "Gunner" must sound alike, because the dog responds to both names.....Awesome.)

Anyway, as I'm sure you are aware, I get waaaay excited about showing people new things.  So on the second day of the visit, I very enthusiastically took Landon to see Cheech and Chong in the duck enclosure that we had built out of an old dog kennel (we were only keeping 2 ducks at our house).  The excitement immediately turned into shock as we approached the murder scene..... I took pictures, but I'll spare you the gory details and photos, and just let you know that we found one duck alive..... and one who met a very, very disturbing end.

We were super puzzled as to what could have killed the duck in the manner that it did (trust me folks.... it wasn't pretty), and then leave the the carcass whole?  We were pretty meticulous in making our duck fortress mountain lion/coyote/owl/falcon/possom-proof, and there was no room for something big enough to get in and kill the duck the way it did.  We got our answer a few nights later.  Fletcher heard a ruckus outside at night and found a freaking giant (GIANT.  Like "found some nuclear waste and mutated" giant) raccoon with a dead Chong.  So, the moral of the story is, apparently raccoons eat ducks.

Anyway, in less gory news, Landon left Weds afternoon, and I was able to skip out on LA traffic somehow and get back to Pismo Beach in time to watch some awesome fireworks with my friends at Sandy's house.  Sandy and our crew even made the local news!

Minus the duck massacre, it was a great week where I am reminded of how much I love my familly, friends, boyfriend, and the beautiful creation that is around me daily!

Proud to be an American, y'all!  (but not this proud)

1 comment:

  1. wait, did both ducks die? how is gunner/femur doing with his herding training?

    "hang out like a normal couple"...i.e. "hang out like davys and alaina" :p
