Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hi, my name is Alaina, and I'm an Olympic-aholic.

I know, I know.... its been almost 3 weeks since my last post.  My sincerest apologies.  Well, actually, that's not totally accurate... I'm not sincerely sorry;  just a little sorry..... because its an OLYMPIC YEAR BABY!!!!


Yep.  I'm "that girl."  That girl who is totally and 100% hooked on 99% of the Olympic broadcast (water polo, I could live without it...).  I get so incredibly sucked into the games that its a little ridiculous.  On pacific time, the prime time broadcast starts at 8pm and ends at like 1:30am.  Here is what every evening has been like for me since the Olympics started:

All day:  Ignore all social media and don't even check CNN/NY Times/Wall Street Journal per my norm because I'm scared that I will have a spoiler about who won an event (this is a great time to note that I am completely unaware of anything going on in the world because of this;  my lack of knowledge of current events not surrounding the Olympics is actually quite shocking).

8:00 pm:  Immediately drop whatever I am doing and settle down excitedly to watch the games

8:10 pm:  Catch up on the events I missed during the day via the broadcast and get excited when we beat the Chinese.

8:11 pm - 8:30 pm: Watch an obscure sport that I'm not really interested in (like men's indoor volleyball).

8:30 pm - 1:30 am: Become hopelessly sucked into the games and highly emotionally invested in all events, hold my breath a lot, only pee during commercials when I simply can't hold it any longer, and cry when people are victorious in sports that I don't care about for the other 3.95 years that the Olympics are not going on.

1:30-2:00 am: Try to calm myself down after all the excitement.

2:30 am:  Fall asleep.

5:30 am:  Wake up.  Feel the need to hit the gym super hard because I feel like a lazy American failure who has minimal athletic talent.  Repeat.

Needless to say, the Olympics are bad for my health. Haha.

Anywho, the point of this story is to explain my absence of blog posts.  So here is a quick recap of my life, because the Olympics start in 20 minutes:

My friend Laura's parents came into town and they let me tag along with them on a trip up to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium.  We spent some time on good ol Cannery Row and the aquarium was awesome!!  I LOVE aquariums.  Honestly, I never really cared about them before, but when I was in college I had an internship with the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores and came to absolutely love them.  The Monterrey Bay Aquarium had some very cool and well designed exhibits, including a really stellar jelly exhibit, more seahorses than I have ever seen in my life, and PENGUINS!!!

Crazy lookin' sea dragon

CHECK this dude out!  Sea dragon.  To the extreme!

Leopard shark in the kelp forest

This says "Please don't flash the octopus".... he he he he

Sand dollars!

Then we took a drive down the world famous 17-mile scenic drive, which had some absolutely BEAUTIFUL coastline.  We saw seals, sea lions, otters, and WHALES!!!!!!!!  FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!  Yall, I have been trying to see a freakin' whale since I moved out here.  I even went whale watching (which was an epic fail due to the raging sea-sickness).  But, FINALLY!  There was a pod of pacific whales just off the coast, so we got to see them spouting and saw some flukes.  It.  Was.  Awesome.

I would tell yall more about my life, but the Olympics are now on, and I have to go.  To be continued :)

Alaina "I-have-a-problem" Parsons

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