Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Tale of Two Road Trips

Also known as "Yes, I am Alive: The Blog Post."  Thanks for the blogger-slacker shout-out by my Phines over at 2Phines.  So its been 2 months since my last post.  So sue me.  (actually I am really sorry y'all.....sheepish grin....)  But lets be real here.  I'm not exactly winning any blogging awards with this site (do these even exist??  Probably.).

I haven't had too much going on lately.

Just been planning a wedding that involves people from 13 states and 3 time zones.

And packing up my entire house and moving it across country and dumping half of it in Missouri and half of it in NC.

And training a new person for my job at Cal Poly.

And leaving Cal Poly.

And driving across the country to live in Wake Forest, NC until the wedding.

But other than that, things have been chill.

Honestly, only 2 really neat things have happened in the last 2 months.  Davys came out to visit me (AGAIN!!) and we took a really, really awesome road trip from SLO to Seattle, WA and back.  I really want to fill you in on our crazy adventures and document them for myself, so those will be my next postings.  And then my brother Ryan flew out to SLO to help me pack and we had another super awesome road trip across the country.  Hence the title of this post.  Two road trips.  Clever, no?

Prepare yourselves to be ambushed with road trip photos and antics for the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so relieved.
