Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Boyfriend time = adventure time!

First and foremost, a very Happy Leap Year to you!  Ah, to have an extra day in the year!  It's just what I needed.  I've seriously been wishing for a few extra hours every day for the past few days, and behold....24 extra hours for me to be productive in!  The past week has been absolutely insane, so I was desperate for the extra time to catch up on things at work and around the house.  Mission accomplished (even had some "spare" time to upload pictures to Facebook from the December time frame and blog! Wowza.).  

We had two more foals born at the horse unit (more pics of the cuties to come, I promise), some issues with one of the mares, and the IHSA Regional Championships for the Equestrian Team at Stanford.  The girls did AWESOME, as evidenced by the pictures below.
Western team (Zoe didn't even let a busted ankle slow her down!)

Western team, huntseat team, and cheerleaders.
About a week and a half ago, my boyfriend Landon came to visit.  Super exciting for several reasons (other than the obvious missing him aspect that comes with a long-distance relationship):

1.  He hasn't been out to SLO since I had just moved in (hence I have discovered many new places to take him since then).
2.  We haven't seen each other since Christmas.
3.  I got to spend SIX WHOLE DAYS with him (an event that hasn't happened for seven months)!!!

Six whole days equals a lot of adventures.  I'm pretty sure I ran both of us into the ground, but it was super worth it.

Started off the week-o-fun by going for a walk down to Morro Bay (where we saw ELEVEN sea otters in a little family together.  I was so excited I forgot to take any pictures),

then went downtown to check out the Farmer's Market (which is always super yummy and fun), and met up with some friends of mine for dinner.

Friday brought a whole new level of excitement.  Enter "2012 Bucket List" item number number 9: whale watching!  I was BEYOND excited for this adventure.  Literally little kid going to the zoo level of excitement. The day was beautiful and it is the middle of migration season for Pacific Gray Whales, so Landon and I headed down to Morro Bay.

The first 45 minutes were absolutely fantastic!  I had the wind in my hair, the salty sea air all around me, and the bright blue sea stretching out ahead.  Cue sea-sickness.  The full-on, gonna-toss-your-cookies, miserable kind.  So the remaining 2 and a half hours were spent in this position:

And we didn't see any whales.  Epic. Fail.  This was the first time all year the boat came back empty-sighted (if that's a word...?).  However, I am not defeated.  I have simply learned that I am getting old and now require Dramamine on occasions such as this.  I will return to conquer this adventure in the near future.

The rest of the weekend consisted of some good workouts (its so nice to have a gym buddy!!), a trip to San Fransisco to see Landon's friend Christian,

and a really awesome President's Day celebration!  We went on a ride to see some of the Cal Poly land

and ended the day with a wonderful cook-out on Avila Beach and some good quality sand volleyball time, all topped off by a gorgeous sunset!

I was truly bummed to send that boy off on a plane at the end of the week.  But we had a wonderful time and I'm super grateful for every minute we get to spend together!

Food for thought:
Count your blessings
Soring TWHs is actually being persecuted!
Should yoga be an olympic sport?

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