Thursday, December 13, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Remember how I started doing "Throwback Thursday?"

Today's gem comes from Jan 2005 (also known as my freshman year at NC State).  Although this is a terrible picture, it has significance for multiple reasons.  This was at our very first ticket campout for NCSU vs. UNC basketball tickets (aka the freakin' coldest night of the year).  This was the first time we (Lisa, Larisa, Davys, and myself) hung out with the Grantham boys (Adam, Marcus, Stafa, and John) and thus began the adventures of lifelong friendship!

We were such babies!  And I just think this picture of Davys is hysterical, so I had to add it :)

Happy Thursday y'all!


1 comment:

  1. listen, it was real cold :p

    this made my day better, btw. miss you!
