Saturday, December 29, 2012

A look back at 2012

Happy Blog-aversary to me!  Its been a year since I started this blog.  And in the spirit of blog-aversary-ness, I would like to take a moment to comment on how much my life has unexpectedly changed since beginning this journey with you.  I'm so glad that I'm able to connect so deeply with my readers.  Y'all inspire me every day!

Haha!  Totally kidding.  I couldn't help but poke some fun at those stereotypical blogs that always talk about what a journey blogging has been for them and blah blah blah sappy sappy sappy garbage garbage garbage. And if you are one of those people, I still love you, even though I don't share your emotional attachment to blogging :)

I have gotten some positive feedback though, and I am glad that y'all are enjoying reading about my adventures.  I have actually enjoyed writing about them, which is something that I did not expect.

OK, sappiness aside, so much has happened in 2012 that I am so grateful for!  I will do a whole other post just on that topic though, because its so much fun to remember the great things in a year before you get a whole new year in front of you to have adventures in :)

Remember how I posted my 2012 bucket list?  Let's see how I actually did, shall we??

2012 Bucket List Items:
1.  Buy a gaited mule.  

BIG 'OL FAT CHECK!  Belle is awesome and is currently getting some training by a friend of mine (the busted foot prevents me from starting her).

2.  Do a power lifting competition.

Fail :(   Landon put together a whole training program for me and everything, and then literally on the second day of training this happened.

I am happy to report that I am now back in the gym for the time being, and beginning training again!   I'm still convinced that this will still happen.

3.  Take the riding teams that I coach to their national championship shows.  

Half check.  The dressage team made it to Nationals this year, but I couldn't go with them (due to the aforementioned giant broken ankle) and they did well. Still lots of room for improvement though.  The equestrian team made it to the zone finals, which is the step just before nationals, and did awesome.  We are looking forward to this year's finals!

4.  Go to San Diego Chargers game.

Epic and super sad fail :(  Just ran out of time this year.  Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion.  This will happen next year.

5.  Try snowboarding for a second time and come home without crutches.

I think this one goes without saying that it did not occur because I was already on crutches....

6.  Become fluent in Italian.

This was changed to become functional in Spanish due to this disaster.  I am currently still learning via and online course, and all of my Spanish speaking friends (i.e. the majority of them) are refusing to speak to me in English lots of the time to make me learn faster.

7.  Make a T-shirt quilt.


8.  Get a working dog and teach him to work cattle and sheep.

BINGO!   Yay for Gunner!  He is now 10 months old and a quite capable ranch hand.  He has graduated from sheep and is now working only on cattle.  I should actually post some videos of him, because he's pretty cool and pretty handy.

9.  Go whale watching.

Check.  But it was an epic fail and I have no desire to go again.  Ever.  Especially since I got to see many whales this year, including the humpbacks up close and personal, without setting foot on a boat.

10.  Hike/backpack at least 2 new trails every month.

This was put on hold due to the ankle injury for a time, but I definitely got LOTS of hiking in this year!

11.  Camping trips to at least 3 national parks.

And check.

12.  Become more involved in the SLO homeless community.

Attempted.  However, the homeless community here is pretty well provided for, so I found it difficult to find a place where I felt like I was needed.

13.  Get my horse show judge's card with at least one national organization.

Fail.  Just way too busy to add that to the plate this year.

14.  Become a leader in my new church's youth ministry.

Check and then uncheck.  Again, I made a good effort, but felt like I was not being called to lead in that area any more.  Instead, I am now working with our campus ministry program :)  More on that to come!

15.  Plant a mini-garden in my yard.

Check!  (forget to water it and have it all die..... check).....

16.  Make at least one crafty thing each month for my house.

Check! (ish).  I'm not sure if I abided by the "one-a-month" idea, but I definitely made lots of wreaths, make up holders, picture frames, gifts, and all kinds of other little stuff.  If I was cool, I'd show you what I made and share the tutorials.  But I'm selfish lazy, so you'll have to take my word for it.

I'm actually pretty pleased with myself (gives self a pat on the back)!


Food for thought:
How kids view healthy food (these are HILARIOUS, by the way)
If Mrs. Doubtfire were a horror film


  1. Yes. Please read the disclaimer at the beginning of this blog that clearly states that I am not a journalism major. K? Thanks.

    (also, I miss you terribly!!!!)
