Monday, February 18, 2013

Stuff on Gunner's Head: Part 2

Even though Gunner turned one year old on Valentine's day (!!!!!!), he still lets me do this.

Sorry some are blurry.  The second to last one is a headband :)

Other than occupying myself by torturing my birthday pup, life goes on as usual.

Lots of baby ponies being born (including a Valentine's day colt).

 Got a new pair of boots (oh happy day!).

Had a super fun wine tasting/food pairing class with my buddies.  Hannah's family owns a vineyard in Michigan, so she is super knowledgeable about wines.  And I am not.  But after 11 different bottles and 4 separate instruction exercises, at least I can pretend like I know what I'm doing now :)

And Syd and I spent some quality time enjoying the sunshine and 70 degree weather beach-style.  So much dog love!


Food for thought:
Trust fall fails are funny
Birds are smart.  Scary smart.
This is hilarious because it is true.

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