Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Bucket List

Its that time of year again..... time for another bucket list!  I prefer not to pick a resolution for the new year for myself.  Every new year is a clean slate to move forward with everything and anything, so the idea of picking one thing that I will resolve to do just doesn't tickle my fancy.  Plus, bucket lists are more fun and its pretty satisfying to look back at the year and realize that you did about 70% of the things you wanted to do.

So without further ado, I give you (drumroll please.....).....

Alaina's 2013 Bucket List!
1.  Go to a San Diego Chargers game (and yes, I am beginning this list with things not accomplished in the 2012 bucket list!).

2.  Make a t-shirt quilt.

3.  Become a certified equine appraiser with the ASEA.

4.  Revamp my horse brokerage business, add the appraiser business, and either partner with another company or start my own LLC.

5.  Live within 200 miles of Landon.

6.  Hiking trip in NorCal (Redwoods/Oregon, anyone??  A stop in Seattle??)

7.  Hiking trip to Joshua Tree National Park.

8.  Ride my mule on the beach (yes, I just went there).

9.  Be more punctual.  I am super, super terrible at being about 5 minutes late to things.

10.  Being better about not over-committing myself.  No means no!

11.  Go to a Wolfpack basketball or football game (I really cannot put into words how much I miss these..... and I haven't been to any Wolfpack sporting event in 3 years......)

12.  Some sort of very large adrenaline inducing thrill chase.  Examples include, but not limited to: skydiving, hang gliding, kite surfing, snowmobiling, bull riding, or some sort of climbing on something high.

13.  Serve my campus in a greater way through prayer and service projects with other faculty.

14.  Go to both DisneyWORLD and DisneyLAND (since Landon lives near Orlando, and I'm in CA, when am I ever going to get the chance to hit both in one year again??)

15.  See an orca. (side note:  this is not whale-watching, which I vowed I would never do again)

16.  Have an individual rider from one of the Cal Poly teams that I coach place in the top 5 in their class at Nationals.

I'm also doing something new this year to see how I can measure up.  Haha, get it?  Measure up??

2013 Fitness Goals!
1 . Run a 5K (this is a big deal because I really, and I mean really, hate loath running.  But I want to do one just to say I did (and support some sort of good cause in the process!).  Hey, Keri Jewell, maybe we buddy up on this one??

2.  Raw 1 rep max deadlift: 165 lbs

3.  Raw 1 rep max squat: 145 lbs

4.  Raw 1 rep max bench: 95 lbs (don't make bench is absolutely terrible;  this is a lofty goal)

5.  Do more yoga.  And stop hating it so much.

6.  Increase flexibility, especially in my hip flexors.

7.  SDHP 115 x 5

8.  Swim more!

9.  18% body fat

10.  More suspension training.

Happy 2013 to everyone!!!  Bring it on new year....I'm ready!


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