Sunday, January 20, 2013

Vacation: Part 1

So I went on vacation 2 weeks ago.  A blissful, wonderful vacation filled with beaches, warm weather, family, and relaxation.  I didn't look at a computer or answer a phone for 9 whole days and it was bliss.  I forgot how much I hate technology.  Its honestly taking everything in me to blog right now (and Caroline, the blog master, is sitting next to me on the couch and is forcing me to do it so I don't forget all of the wonderful details).  You should feel special.

I flew down to Tampa, grabbed my man, and we headed down to Ft. Lauderdale where we met up with my family (!!!!!!!) and took a cruise.

Our ship was fabulous (and is the second biggest cruise ship in the world, just FYI).

We had a great time (all 22 of us!).  Ryan and Ben rocked out the Flow-Rider all week.

Kori and Spike even had a little Jack and Rose moment.

We even got all fancy and dressed up for formal night.

 Our first port was Belize City, Belize.  The city was super pretty, but we immediately were whisked away on an excursion to our own private island.

Safety first though, on the boat ride over.....

Until we realized that you could take beer on the boat.  Then there was a mad dash to get enough for everyone before we departed.

Our island was 1.3 acres.  Isn't it beautiful!?  It looks like something out of a post card!

We went snorkeling, hung out on the beach, and then ate a fabulous lunch of lobster and chicken that the locals grilled for us (complete with an unlimited supply of rum punch!).

On the way back, we hit a brief patch of rain, and all the ladies hit the deck.  Literally.

The next day, we ported in Cozumel, Mexico.  After a bit of shopping, we hit up Carlos N Charlies.  Let's just say that this place was CRAZY and leave it at that.

Overall, it was an absolutely wonderful time.  I'm so glad I got to spend time with my family and Landon at the same time.  It was so relaxing and the scenery was beautiful.

I'm so blessed with such a wonderful family!  This past week at work was terrible trying to catch up, but so worth it :)


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